Goose Goose Duck Game Online Play for Free

This version of the popular mafia game Goose Goose Duck recently made lots of fans. Players loved the cute cartoon animals as main characters. And the gameplay remains interesting and exciting. Time to test Goose Goose Duck and different versions of it on this site!

Find the imposter!

So you decided to play Goose Goose Duck . What do you need? Find a server with other players waiting for the necessary amount of people. Or create your own lobby and invite other gamers. The thing is, every server has settings. You can pick the amount of users, tasks and voting time and other settings. So the owners have the power to create the game they want.

But if you came just to play and enjoy the detective, pick a lobby and join them. When the round begins and all roles are assigned, you start the walkthrough. Depending on what personage you received, you have different tasks. The average crew members need to complete all the tasks they have. They also have to eliminate imposters by voting.

While imposters’ main mission is to get rid of all the teammates. They win when the number of pretenders is bigger than peaceful members. They are able to kill other people or frame innocent teammates during voting. Not to mention their sabotage ability. So how can the team win?

Complete your missions and win Goose Goose Duck

According to the character you got, you have different tasks. So you can become an ordinary team member or a cruel imposter. But you also receive a special hero among your type. And they all have different missions and abilities. For example, avengers are able to kill everybody for a couple of seconds when they see a dead body.

In Goose Goose Duck You receive a list of missions to complete. The list includes various computer hacks, stabilization of systems and other fascinating missions. Take a look at the list and go find the nearest task. Complete it and move to the next mission. But the game is more difficult than you think.

During the entire round the villains are trying to kill all the teammates. They move by vents, cause sabotages and follow all people to get rid of them. And you need to be careful while walking around. Every person can be an insidious pretender who will kill you.

Vote and eliminate!

The most powerful mechanism here is voting. Every time you want to discuss something, you can press the red button. It is located on the table in the main room. Then the chat opens. And you receive the opportunity to communicate with other people. Tell them your suspicions and decide who to eliminate.

If you found the dead body, quickly report it. Discuss it in Goose Goose Duck chat. You need to find the suspect. When the discussion is over, decide and vote for the most suspicious person. And let’s see the results! Were you right? Or the imposters made you think that this person is bad? The voting process is easy. You just press on the necessary person and wait. So you can participate on pc and other devices. Either way you will have the possibility to vote.

Get cool achievements, purchase funny costumes and enjoy your pastime. Pick your favorite version and play it on this site!